A photo from Being a Ghost (beingaghost.com) Cathedralhenge with Diffraction
Over the years I have learned to pay attention to how the Sun[1] rises a bit farther to the north or south each day, depending on time of year. And I now look forward to it rising aligned with Archangel Gabriel[2] on the roof of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine[3] in mid May and then again in late July. I call it “Cathedralhenge” in reference to Manhattanhenge[4], which, in turn, is a reference to Stonehenge[5] (each of these “-henges[6]” tracks a particular solar alignment at a particular time of year). This photograph also includes some diffraction[7] and lens flare[8]. About the project: Being a Ghost by Scott Matthews is an interactive set of twenty-seven overlapping photographs taken from a single vantage in New York City between 2011 and 2016. Prints are available as interactive sets. |